It is an operation performed to create an inverted triangle face appearance by creating a slight dimple under the cheekbones. In this way, the cheekbones will also appear more prominent. The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia with sedation, i.e. sedatives, in approximately 20-30 minutes. The incision is made through the mouth. From here, a special fat pad called bichat is reached, which gives fullness to the cheek. This fat is delivered into the mouth and the excess part is removed.           

The patient is discharged on the same day. The next day, it is possible to return to daily life by paying attention to some warnings. There is no need to remove stitches due to the use of dissolving stitches. It is recommended to consume more liquid, soft and warm foods for the first 3-4 days, so that the seams in the mouth will be protected. In addition, precaution is taken against infection by gargling after each meal and using the recommended antibiotic. The suture line in the mouth will be healed within 1 week. Since the incision is not made externally, there is no scar problem.

What are the advantages of bichectomy?

The benefits of bichectomy compared to other types of operations can be listed as follows:

The procedure time is short and does not require hospitalization.
Since it is performed under local anesthesia, anesthesia-related symptoms such as nausea are not observed after the operation.
Facial features that people with round and plump facial features cannot achieve with diet, diet and sports can be achieved in a short time.
It provides a more effective and smooth appearance since there is no filling and prosthesis application.
Since the fat tissue in the cheek is removed, weight gain does not cause the facial features to return to their original form.
The recovery process after the operation is fast. Since there is no incision on the skin surface, it does not cause an aesthetic problem.